Community Leadership Center Capital Campaign


ICA Social Ministry works with at risk and underprivileged communities, specifically focussing on youth. One of the ways we do this is through Youth Development Program, commonly know as YDP.

In 2017 ICA Social Ministry established the Community Leadership Center (CLC) in Surabaya. The CLC is a rented house that houses up to 20 people, but it was designed for a family of four.
The Community Leadership Center capital campaign is raising funds to buy land, to build a purpose built CLC that houses YDP staff and provides a hub in the community for training, education, mentoring and service.

Youth Development Program has evolved from a small group of dedicated teens to a thriving community of aspiring student leaders, with an average of 50 participants per week.
We are grateful for the growth of YDP, both in numbers and spiritual and leadership development of our teens.

Please pray for this endeavor, and as ICA as a church, as we embark on this huge, multi-phase fundraising and building project.
You can give financially by transferring to BCA Account # 863 351 5555 (Gereja ICA GM) or scan the QR Code below to your favorite digital wallet that support bank transfer via QRIS.


Thank you for your participation.

You can also give Offering / Tithes and to our Missions Fund by scanning the QR Codes below from a digital wallet or mobile banking app

If you don't have a digital wallet,
you can still transfer using bank transfer via our accounts below this page.

digital wallets

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General Tithe & Offerings

After scanning, please make sure you see the name
before you transfer funds to our Offering & Tithe account

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ICA Missions

After scanning, please make sure you see the name
before you transfer funds to our Missions account

Some Notes

  • Make sure you use your digital wallet app on your mobile phone to scan the code above and transfer your giving.
  • There is a maximum transfer limit of IDR 10.000.000 per transaction
  • You can make multiple transactions with each QR code with a daily limit of IDR 25.000.000
  • If you want to know more about QRIS standard from Bank Indonesia, please check BCA QRIS Page